I know so many leaders who are disillusioned with the "old" way of responding to the current crisis this pandemic is causing. Many are already making decisions that will impact the way our organizations behave moving forward. This is why I'm so thrilled to co-host this call with some amazing systems thinkers on April 15. You’re invited to Leading Through Disruption: A Living Systems Path to Rapid Adaption. Join this FREE 1-Hour zoom call on April 15, 2020 at 11amPT/12pmMT/1pmCT/2pmET.
Leaders from every sector will join this insightful, interactive conversation to explore:
Participants will receive a recording of the call, exclusive copies of the Living Systems & Adaptive Cycle Context and as a BONUS - a chapter of Kathy Allen’s book , Leading From the Roots. Click here for more information and to register.
November 2020